Thursday, April 3, 2014

How To Fix The Refresh Rate Too High Error In Instagram bot( Instaget Pro) (Working 4/3/2014 )

Been trying to fix the instaget pro refresh rate to high error but cant find a solution to the problem? Your in luck.

The video above will show you exactly how to fix it. If you have problems then leave a comment bellow and one of our authors will reply as soon as possible! 

Special Thanks: Follow Michael Henderson on Google plus!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Top 5 Self Made Billionaires

Top 5 Self Made Billionaires

In 2013, it was estimated that there are 1,426 billionaires in the world. That is a lot of money, but did you know that 960 of those are self made? Below are 5 remarkable self made billionaires.

1. Richard Branson|2013 Net Worth US $4.6 Billion

  • Born July 18, 1950.(Age 63) Branson is a English business magnate and investor. He is best know for founding Virgin Group.
  • His first business project was a magazine called Student in which he created at the age of 16.

2. Mark Cuban|2013 Net Worth US $2.4 Billion

  • Born July 31, 1958. (Age 55) Cuban
  • Owner of Dallas Mavericks.
  • The Guinness Book of Records credits Cuban with the ''largest single e-commerce transaction", after paying $40 million for his Gulfstream V jet in October of 1999!
  • Quotes: "I still work hard to know my business. I'm continuously looking for ways to improve all my companies, and I'm always selling. Always."

3. Sheldon Adelson|2014 Net Worth US $40.8 Billion

  • Age: 80
  • DOB: August 4th , 1993
  • Business magnate and Republican party political donor.
  • Occupation: Chairman and CEO of Las Vegas Sands
  • Education: City College Of New York

4. Eric Levkovsky|2013 Net Worth US $1.75 Billion

  • DOB: September 13th , 1969
  • Occupation: Blue Media LLC, President Groupon, CEO
  • Website
  • Philanthropy: In 2006, Eric Lefkofsky and his wife, Elizabeth, formed a charitable trust, called the Lefkofsky Foundation for the "purpose of supporting charitable, scientific, and educational organizations an causes around the world." 

5. Elon Musk|March, 2014 Net Worth US $12 Billion

  • DOB: June 28th, 1971 (Age 42)
  • Occupation: Entrepreneur, inventor, investor .
  • Born: Pretoria, South Africa
  • Musk invented a computer game at the age of 12 called Blaster. He sold it for $500.
  • Became a millionaire at the age of 28.

Write More About These Wonderful , Self Made Billionaires Below!

How To Get Floating Share Buttons On Your Website (Blogger,Weebly,Etc)

Social networking has become essential to marketing, and online advertising. Its is a wonderful way to get your website noticed. It also helps to disperse your content across the world wide web. But always remember, no matter how much you advertise, if you don't have good content then you will never get traffic!

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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

What Does It Feel Like To Be Rich?

Well , i am going to try an make this simple to understand, but also at the same time getting my point across. Everyone wants to be ''rich'' people without money think people with money are born with it. Did you know,according to Fidelity Survey, that 85 percent of Americans are self made millionaires? Of course your favorite rap artist may talk about all the money he has, and continue to flaunt it in abundance, but people who really have money do not act in this way. In fact they have a complete different personality. If I was to ask you what the number one vehicle purchased by majority of wealthy people is you would probably go to throwing name brands out there; Ferrari, Mercedes, Lambo. This is not the case. In fact, the most chosen vehicle by wealthy Americans is the Ford f-150.

With Money Comes Great Responsibility!

I hear an endless amount of  people say "if I had money I would have so much fun, throw huge parties, and drive the latest car that everyone wants."  The truth is if you did this it would be ignorant, not saying you cant, but real rich people RESPECT the power of money, and what you can do with it. Most rich people avoid high priced fancy cars because they do not see a financial gain in owning one. That leads me to say, contrary to belief, most millionaires do not live in huge fancy homes or highly prestigious neighborhoods! 

Did You Know?
Did you know that there are approximately 1,226 billionaires in the world! Woman make up 5.8% of those!
The first African American woman to make it onto billionaire lists is Oprah Winfrey, who is worth approximately $2.7 billion!

Always Remember
If you didn't get anything out of this post , get this.

"You will know you have reached success when you have the money to purchase material things, but see no desire to do so"